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Nav2 - Your Autonomous Navigation Framework

Nav2 is the go-to industry-standard mobile robot navigation system, deploying Autonomous Vehicle technologies brought down, reworked, and optimized for mobile and surface robotics. As the successor to the ROS Navigation Stack, Nav2 builds on 15 years of heritage and is accelerating the robotics industry.

An open-source, production-grade autonomy framework.

Nav2 provides perception, planning, control, localization, visualization, behaviors, and much more to build highly reliable autonomous systems. It will compute an environmental model from raw or pre-processed sensor and semantic data, dynamically route a path through the environment, compute feasible motor commands, avoid obstacles, and structures higher-level robot behaviors. Powered by Open Navigation LLC.

Flexible Robot Behaviors

Flexible Robot Behaviors

Exploit Behavior Tree based executor model to design multiple complex robot behaviors

State of the Art Algorithms

State of the Art Algorithms

Feasible route planning, predictive trajectory planning, dynamic obstacle avoidance & more

All Robot Welcome

All Robot Welcome

Any shape or size; differential, omni, ackermann, or even legged

Easily Extensible

Easily Extensible

Modular task server design empower application customizations and expansions.

Product-Grade Quality

Product-Grade Quality

Deployed at scale by 100+ companies worldwide with high automated test coverage

First-Class Support

First-Class Support

Framework is actively maintained with professional support services available

Our Sponsors





Friends of Nav2

BarnOwl Rover
Powered by Behavior Trees
Many unique and complex robot behaviors may be designed using Behavior Trees in the application and navigation scopes. Model optimal robot behaviors to accomplish a broad range of tasks with state of the art & verifiable structures. Powered by industry-standard library, BehaviorTree.CPP.
Planning & Control
Deploys modern Autonomous Vehicles technologies which are optimized and reworked for the unique needs of mobile robotics in dynamic environments. Fully leverages mobility’s semantics and unique constraints to provide best-in-class behavior for a wide range of robots, applications, and environments.
Mature Application Capabilities
Includes commonly needed and essential product capabilities on top of advanced navigation: auto-docking for charging and static infrastructure, collision monitoring, assisted teleoperation, waypoint execution, and more growing by the day.
Multimodal Sensing Integrations
Integrates with any type of sensor modality, perception model, semantic annotations, AI, and spatial intelligence to build the environmental model for planning & control. Provides default support for 2D, 3D lidars, depth cameras, sonars and ultrasonics, maps, semantic zones, and more!
3D Visualization and Command & Control
Out-of-the-box raw data and navigation process visualizations with Rviz - including panels to issue commands, select algorithms, store/load waypoint information, and display state metadata for a polished getting started and debugging experience.

Companies Using Nav2

Powered By Open Navigation.

Open Navigation’s mission is to democratize professional-quality mobile robotics technology to propel the industry forward. We develop and maintain critical pieces of open-source mobile robotics and ROS infrastructure via our sponsors’ generous support. We also offer support services to help deploy or extend ROS 2, Nav2 for your product’s needs.